Information for Authors –

Geographers Today, a bilingual annual research journal of Chhattisgarh Bhoogol Parishad, is primarily intended for the publication of papers submitted by the members of the Parishad. It is required that authors of the papers must be member of the Parishad. However, some papers invited from reputed scholars may also be published. The editor invited original articles that will contribute to advances and debates in all the sub-disciplins of Geography.

Manuscripts should be submitted to-
The Editor
Geographers Today, Chhattisgarh Bhoogol Parishad,
“Latakunj” Imlipara,
Bilaspur (C.G)-495002
Authors are requested to submit manuscripts in two hard copies with a set of original maps/ illustrations and soft copy on CD on MS word file in Times New Roman for English and Kruti Dev 11 for Hindi. We send each manuscript to at least two reviewers Manuscripts will not be returned to authors in case of rejection or delay in publication. The editor reserves the right to reduce the length or refuse to accept such materials. All manuscripts should be accompanied by a certificate stating that the paper has not been published elsewhere. The Editor is not responsible for the views expressed by the authors In case of any litigation, the case will be heard only in the High court of Chhhattisgarh, Bilaspur

Subscription Rates

Subscription rates of the Geographers Today Journal-

1. Individual Member (Annual) Rs. 800/-

2. Life Member (For Ten Years) 5000/-

3. Institutional Member (For Ten Years) 10000/-

4. Student Member (Annual)  400/-

Price of the Journal (per copy)

1. Individual 300/-

2. Institution 500/-

Please send your payment online or in cash by bank draft payable at “Allahabad Bank, Bilaspur C.G.”, in favour of the Chhattisgarh Bhoogol Parishad and should be sent on the following address-

Dr. (Smt) Kaveri Dhabharkar
Dept. of Geography
Govt. Bilasa Girls College
Bilaspur (C.G.) 495001